A content management system, also called CMS is a software system built with the purpose of helping the end-user manage, modify, delete content (text, media, data), without the need of having web development knowledge. So yes, almost anyone can use it; if you are familiar with apps like Word or basic Excel and the UI (user interface) is accessible, then you are all set.
You have probably heard of WordPress, Wix, Bolt, Drupal, Joomla. All these solutions are free (well, more or less free if you consider the need for custom functionality or certain additional plugins). These solutions are perfectly viable for starting projects or if your company doesn’t have a web dev. or IT department.
On the other hand, a bespoke CMS is a system that is different from the aforementioned solutions through its tailored nature. Meaning it fits specific needs for a certain platform, website or company, that, usually, cannot be delivered by a free solution.
Specific functionality inside your project / business translates into efficiency. Faster and responsive input, familiarity, bespoke solutions for your own specific workflow and company culture.
Unique services require unique support.
Antepixel needs personalized features, unbloated navigation and UI, specific tasks, total control and - of course - freedom from third-party dependencies.
That’s why, at the foundation of our e-projects there is our custom, own build, CMS system, called W.Framework. It is coded with clarity and simplicity in mind, making it absolutely accessible.
W.Framework is a core resource for Ante, constantly evolving, as it is build as a versatile, modular, dynamic system that can respond to the every changing needs of the business.
It just rocks. :)
This is the real secret of life - to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.
Alan Watts